



Delcam Crispin releases new CAD/CAM software

Shoe companies and other foot specialists may be boosted by the latest release by CNC machine software specialist Delcam, which announced its newest product, OrthoModel.

The program allows scanned design data to be processed into a computer environment for editing and assessment, with users able to add a range of models, add-ons and cut-outs to apply any corrections to the mould.

It is stated that healthcare specialists, such as those operating in the field of podiatry, can benefit from the technology as it easily allows these to assist patients in producing the perfect insole for their needs, with the information easily passed through to compatible CNC machines.

Delcam continued: "The entire process is driven by a series of easy-to-use menus, which incorporate the terminology used by the industry to describe the various features of the orthotic."

The organisation was founded in 1965 by Donald Welbourn, the director of industrial co-operation at Cambridge University, who harnessed the power of computers to solve problems presented by previous methods used to represent 3D shapes.

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