Powerful and market-proven HSM Module fully integrated in SolidWorks
August 29, 2006 - SolidCAM, the Gold-certified Integrated CAM-Engine for SolidWorks, today announced that it will present SolidCAM2007 R11 to American and European audiences at the IMTS (Chicago/USA) and AMB (Stuttgart/Germany) tradeshows. With this release, SolidCAM is further expanding its 3D Milling functionality by providing a very powerful and market-proven high-speed machining module (HSM) for molds, tools and dies, and complex 3D Parts. The HSM module offers unique machining and linking strategies for generating optimum roughing and finishing CNC high-speed toolpaths. With demands for ever-shorter lead and production times, lower costs and improved quality, High Speed Machining (HSM) is a must in today's machine shops.
SolidCAM's HSM Module smooths the paths of both cutting moves and retracts wherever possible to keep a more continuous machine tool motion - an essential requirement for maintaining higher feedrates and eliminating dwelling. Retracts to high Z levels are kept to a minimum; angled where possible, smoothed by arcs, retracts do not go any higher than necessary - thus minimizing aircutting and reducing machining time. All machining passes operations support enhanced point reduction and arc fitting. The result is an efficient, high quality and gouge-free tool path. This translates to increased surface quality, less wear on your cutters, and a longer life for your machine tools.
Rest machining can be calculated even in areas where the final cutter is smaller than the curvature of the part. A succession of rest finishing toolpaths from a series of successively smaller cutters can be easily created, even on very large jobs. All operations feature tool holder collision checking and work with tapered tools.
According to SolidCAM's managing director, Dr. Emil Somekh, the new HSM module expands the 3D machining capabilities of SolidCAM, allowing users to generate complex NC programs for different types of High-Speed cutting machines. "Efficient machine utilization and excellent surface quality will be the benefits for our users. Being fully integrated into the SolidWorks platform, we can now offer a complete CAD/CAM solution for the Mold, Tool and Die market and other high-end applications." The new SolidCAM2007 R11 will be available to SolidCAM customers at the end of the third quarter.
About SolidCAM
Founded 1984 by its Managing director Dr. Emil Somekh, SolidCAM provides manufacturing customers with a full suite of CAM software modules for 2.5D and 3D Milling, Multi-sided Indexial 4/5 axes Milling, Simultaneous 5 axes Milling, Turning, Turn-Mill up to 5-axes and WireEDM. SolidCAM has the Certified Gold-product status from SolidWorks and provides seamless, single-window integration and full associativity to the SolidWorks design model including parts, assemblies and configurations. SolidCAM has today more than 10,000 seats installed in industry and education. SolidCAM is sold by a worldwide reseller network in 40 countries. SolidCAM has been on a very rapid growth path since it implemented the SolidWorks integration strategy. In the CIMdata NC Software Market Assessment Report, CIMdata named SolidCAM as the worldwide fastest growing CAM vendor in 2003, 2004 and 2005 with revenue growth rates of +39.4 percent, +51.1 percent and +40%.
An Interface: A computer can't be directly connected to a CNC machine. It's connected to an interface. This converts the signals from the computer to a form the CNC machine understands. The signals are in the form of digital signals when they are sent to the CNC machine.
CNC Machine: (A lathe, mill, cutter, drill system). The signals from the interface control the motors on the CNC machine. The signals determine the way the vice moves. The vice moves in three directions X, Y and Z. (Horizontally, vertically and depth). The signals also control the speed of the cutting tool.
IS THE MARKET for general motion control products nears a projected $7 billion annually, new developments in machine control software are allowing machine builders to interface with more different hardware devices. At the heart of this increase (the market was more than $5 billion last year and is projected to reach nearly $7 billion in 2010) is the demand for control software for Ethernet-based networks.
According to a recent report by ARC Advisory Group, Ethernet-based networks tuned for motion control are opening the door to high-end application performance by enabling levels of speed, capacity, and determinism unthinkable just a few years ago.
“The growing tendency to use motion control software has created a demand for platforms that include features such as human machine interface, logic and motion control, and communications,” states ARC’s report. It notes that the advent of PC-based motion control systems that rely on software has made users aware of the need for open architectures.
Our roundup shows the emergence of a new generation of motion control software products that merge the best features of PLC and PC-based controllers. Many PC-based software platforms in our round-up offer functions that are more convenient than those in legacy systems, but transition costs can be very high, the study adds. This has been a major deterrent to users in the industrial automation sector because so many are already heavily invested in older technology.
However, proprietary control systems that are less vulnerable to virus breakdowns and have reduced dependence on hardware are gaining in market share as the recent trend toward integrating vision and motion systems software increases its adoption in applications requiring high-level precision.
Several new improvements include soft-CNC solutions that offer a complete environment with HMI, multiple-axis motion control, and PLC tasks on one platform without dedicated motion-control boards. Other advances include adding modularized instructions that perform simple to complex ladder logic, which reduces processes to a simple programming block with fill-in-the-blank parameters.
More of the automation suites below enable redundancy, tunneling, recipe management, SNMP, UA, and SAP connectivity. Machine builders now use newer motion software technology to increase machinery throughput by servicing machinery modules offline without process interruption. Motors, drives and I/O modules can be removed and reinstalled to the live network individually or in groups for off-line service or upgrades.
Fortunately aftermarket cnc programs are available, and these products allow users to customize their machine tools to suit their specifications.
Special software allows users to input their own programs in one platform, rather than having to use several programs to produce a single pattern. With cnc programming software, users can write their code in one place, and will most often be able to produce patterns without having to write programs in another format.cnc software center The advantage of this flexibility lies in time savings, as well as avoiding the possibility of data loss or incompatibility issues as you transfer data from one program to another.
One of the most exciting aftermarket products for CNC routers is 3D software. With 3D cnc software, the user would be allowed to produce precisely carved 3D patterns, which can be especially useful for signs or other wall hangings. One great feature of 3D cnc software is the ability to import images from other sources. Most software accepts .gif and .jpg images, and it is amazing how well these images are reproduced in startling 3D. With a tool like 3D cnc software in your workshop you can produce beautiful and intricate carvings and engravings, which can then be painted with realistic colours to make them come alive.
If your machine came with a good suite of software you may be unwilling to pay for aftermarket software. There are many free cnc software programs on the Internet, and these can help you try new programs without having to make a major purchase. Some of these free cnc software programs are demonstration versions, while others are fully featured programs with little or no limitations.
The first NC controllers were very simple: no user-interface, just an option to read the tool-positions from a punched tape. Very soon new controllers were introduced, including a simple computer with a special-purpose keyboard and a display. The operator now could enter the sequence of movements to make (the NC program) on the controller, which was called CNC (Computerized Numerical Control). In some cases a tape puncher / reader still was available for external storage.
Next step was of course to use a PC for external storage, communicating with the CNC controller via a serial cable. This allowed the operator to conveniently sit at his desk to enter a new NC program, while at the same time the CNC machine was executing a previous job. Do note that for most desktop machines the situation is a bit different, as here a PC is used for the CNC controller (much cheaper than a special purpose control computer).
In the situation just described the operator enters the complete NC program on the computer, using a plain editor like Notepad or a special purpose NC editor. Each movement has to be separately entered, like "G01X10Y20Z30" for "Machine in a straight line from the current position to position (10,20,30)". This is of course very labor intensive, and this is where CAM software comes in to 'automatically' generate NC program files.
2. The position of CAM Software in the process.
In order to manufacture a part, nowadays typically three different software programs are used (see the illustration above):
- First the CAD software to make the design of the part
- Next the CAM software to calculate the toolpaths based on the design, compensating for the cutter's geometry, adding feedrate and spindle commands, etc
- Third the control software to read the toolpaths and let the machine actually move along these paths.
This subdivision of tasks by three different programs is the same for both 2D and 3D applications.
The Control software comes with the milling machine, while in contrast the CAD and the CAM software have to be bought separately. In case an NC controller with built in special purpose computer is used, the Control software is integrated. In case of a PC the Control software has to be installed, still it "belongs" to the machine as the machine cannot function without the Control software. Do note that many lowcost CNC machines are delivered with MS DOS based Control software, as the realtime control needed for machining is difficult to program under Windows.
Communication between the three programs is done using files. From CAD to CAM the design is transferred using a file format for geometry data exchange. For instance file types like IGES, STL and STEP for 3D, DXF for both 2D and 3D, and Postscript and HPGL for 2D applications. These are standard formats that in most (!) cases can be used without any special configuring needed. Much more can be said about these file types.
Communication from CAD to Control software is done using NC program files, for which many formats do exist. In most cases the format will be a (minor) variation on the ISO / DIN G-code format. G-code is supposed to be a standard, however in practice each manufacturer chooses a bit different implementation. In other cases a proprietary format is used. So for this communication the CAM software has to fine tune its output in order to meet the requirements of the NC controller used. This fine tuning is done by the Postprocessor.
The Postprocessor is the part of the CAM software that translates the toolpath data into the correct file format when saving (in fact an export filter). This functionality is the same as used in the (Windows) device driver that comes with any printer, to translate the wordprocessor's output to the format required by that printer. In many current CAM systems the postprocessor can be configured by the user, making it easy to connect to any new machine. This in contrast to the older CAM packages where the user has to pay (much) money to the supplier to order a new postprocessor.
I some specific situations one of the three programs just described (CAD-CAM-Control) may be omitted. For instance some machines can be used without control software (like the small Roland models, where a plain "print" command is sufficient to start the machine). Or in some setups a plot file (or even a 2D DXF file) from the CAD system can be immediately sent to the control software, skipping the CAM step. Still it makes sense to distinguish the three basic steps, for a clear picture of the process involved.
3. Types of CAM software.
Many different CAM software packages are available, showing large differences in price. It is a very difficult job to get a clear view about each system's capabilities and it's price/performance ratio. The CAM software comparison table on this website(CAD/CAM Software Comparison Table)is a great help, still only doing some real-life testing gives good evaluation information. To give some guidelines for choosing, two basic categorizations can be made.
A clear difference is present between CAM software for 2D and for 3D applications. With 2D is meant that the CAM system imports a 2D drawing file and calculates a toolpath with all movements taking place on a constant Z-level. Obviously several toolpaths on different Z-levels can be combined to create a 3D result, which is called 2.5 D machining (note that more definitions of the notion 2.5D do exist). In that case to user has to enter the correct Z-level to be used for each toolpath. A 3D CAM system in contrast imports a full 3D CAD model and calculates toolpaths to create a 3D result. Note that in this case also toolpaths on constant Z-level may be used (waterline machining), however these are automatically generated. Many CAM packages do offer both 2D and 3D, however still have their clearly recognizable foundation in one of both fields.
A second distinction is between simple and high-end CAM software. The high-end stuff is meant for professional toolmakers, who know about all possible milling parameters, want to be able to control any parameter for an optimum result, and are willing to pay for that. These extra high-end parameters do include options like
- support for a fourth axis, or for full 5 axis machining
- optimization for High Speed machining (constant tool load)
- special sequences for approaching and leaving the geometry (lead-ins)
- automatic stepover calculation
- a wide choice of machining strategies, like parallel, spiral, radial, pencil tracing, flat surface recognition, offset machining, plunge milling and automatic smoothing of almost vertical surfaces.
- automatic detection and removal of rest material
- management of undercuts
- rendered machining simulations.
The more simple programs offer less options, and are thus both cheaper and easier to use.
4. A few more Remarks.
The word "NC Program" can be used in two senses, which can be quite confusing when communicating about CAM. In this article it is used for the 'File that contains all toolpath information', exported by the CAM system and imported by the Control software. As the word "Program" in most cases means Software, sometimes the word "NC program" is used for a 'Program to calculate NC data', so for the CAM software. Be aware of possible confusions.
The capabilities of your machine must of course match the requirements of the CAM software. One requirement should be checked, as some older CNC machines do not offer this: 3D line interpolation. This means the possibility to travel from point A to point B in a straight line in full 3D. This is not easy, as all three axes will have to keep up a different speed. Some machines are only capable of straight lines involving 2 axes (2D line interpolation).
A second important machine capability is on-line machining: the capability to handle large NC program files directly from the computer's hard disk. This involves some handshaking between the PC and the controller, as in most cases the data transfer will be faster than the actual machining. No big deal: any simple printer can do so. However be aware that many CNC machines cannot: they have been designed for NC programs that are completely entered by hand, so consider a 100 Kb NC program file as very large. For CAM this is not large: it is easy to create 10 Mb NC programs, or even larger. Those older machines require the complete NC program file to be transferred before the machining can start, limiting the file size to the (say) 256 Kb of available internal memory. The option of on-line machining is also called drip-feed, or DNC (for Direct Numerical Control).
Rochester, New York, February 16, 2006-- Gleason's new Genesis(TM) 130H CNC Vertical Hobbing Machine features a revolutionary new design that optimizes dry machining, significantly reduces floor space requirements and greatly improves cycle times.
The 130H Hobber is the first in a new family of gear production equipment from Gleason called Genesis(TM). All of the Genesis machines share a common platform: a single-piece frame cast from an advanced polymer composite material, which can be made faster, more accurately and with inherently more rigidity than conventional cast-iron assemblies. This common platform design also ensures a small, compact machine footprint and enables the user to install and re-locate the machine with no special lifting equipment or special foundations.
While the 130H Hobber can accommodate wet cutting processes, it is particularly well-suited for dry machining. The work area is completely isolated from the machine frame to minimize thermal expansion from contact with hot chips, and a stainless steel cutting chamber with steep inclination ensures that chips fall completely clear of the work area.
The 130H Hobber is equipped with an innovative new mechanical cam-driven double gripper loader fully integrated into the machine. As a result, costly non-productive time can be cut to a minimum, with part load/unload times as short as two seconds.
Unlike conventional hobbing machines, the Genesis 130H utilizes a new, patent-pending hob drive system to eliminate complicated mechanical and hydraulic clamping systems. Instead a simple "D-Drive" system enables the spindle to transmit more torque, with less runout, and at the same time accommodate the use of larger diameter hobs for greater performance and longer tool life.
The 130H also features direct-drive spindle motors, which further reduces setup and machining times by eliminating the need for mechanical adjustments and change gears. Higher acceleration/deceleration rates and increased torque, combined with faster axis motions reduce non-cutting time between cycles and increase overall productivity during machining.
Other significant features include:
o An Easy Access Service Module that consolidates hydraulics, lubrication and pneumatics into one location.
o Optional on-board chamfering and deburring capability.
o Availability of the latest SIEMENS or FANUC controls and the latest Gleason software running in a true Windows[R] environment.
o The chip conveyor may be located from either the side or rear of the machine to meet any cell/system arrangement.
Gleason Corporation is a world leader in the development, manufacture and sale of gear production machinery and related equipment. The Company's products are used by customers in automotive, truck, aircraft, agriculture, construction, power tool and marine industries and by a diverse set of customers serving various industrial equipment markets. Gleason has manufacturing operations in Rochester, New York; Rockford, Illinois; Dayton, Ohio; Plymouth, England; Munich and Ludwigsburg, Germany; Bangalore; India, Studen, Switzerland; and Harbin, China and has sales and service offices throughout the North and South America, Europe and in the Asia-Pacific region.
The maturing of CNC machine tools, growth in CNC synchronous tapping, high pressure coolant through spindles and modern tap holders, when combined with application-specific tap geometries and coatings have all contributed to advances in the production of internal screw threads. Thread milling technology is also contributing to a rethinking of the production of an internal screw thread.
Making an internal screw thread faster, with better quality and reduced cost is always a challenge, easily met with today's technologies. Not long ago Emuge suggested running taps in cast iron at 35 to 50 sfm. Today tapping speeds of 100 to 250 sfm are easily achieved. In mild steel we formerly suggested 25 to 80 sfm. Today speeds easily reach 100 to 300 sfm. For good measure solid carbide thread mills can produce the same thread at 260 to 820 sfm.
Better machines, better results
CNC machines of today are faster, more accurate and simpler to operate and program than those of just a few years ago. The ability to accelerate, stop and accelerate in reverse quickly, is vital to tapping threads efficiently. Machine tool technology has developed more stable machines, providing the best environment for producing internal threads. High-pressure coolant through the spindle is important to maximize threading speed, thread quality and tool life.
Developing taps to be faster, better and last longer takes a continued engineering effort that does not stop at the factory laboratories. Emuge engineers continually visit customers and work first hand with their toolholding and threading applications. In both tapping and thread milling, understanding and using correct CNC programming is essential. The data contained in the accompanying table shows a typical time comparison between full-speed tapping and thread milling.
Looking at the accompanying time comparison, the thread milling cutter with countersink in this case produced the fastest time...even though the Thriller had lower tool cycle times. This is due to the fact that the thread mill had four flutes while the Thriller only has two flutes. Had this been a smaller size such as M6, the full speed tap and Thriller would have been better choices.
This is a faster way of threading than to tap at a conventional speed of 65 sfm. Understanding the benefit of full-speed threading is the beginning to improving productivity and generating real cost savings.
To be fair, not every company has the luxury of the latest CNC machining center to take advantage of the latest tooling developments. However, this should not prevent them from producing threads faster, with better quality and at less cost per hole. These companies should examine the threading process in the same manner we do for developing new taps for modern CNC applications and consider the following steps to tap selection:
- Consider the material and material hardness being tapped and select a tap specifically designed for that application. All manufacturers of taps now offer a wide variety of taps for most all material being tapped.
- Consider the hole configuration. If the hole is blind or part way into a through hole, then choose a spiral-fluted tap that will extract the chips out of the top of the hole. If the threads are completely through the hole then choose a spiral pointed tap that will efficiently push the chips through the bottom of the hole.
- Always choose a surface coating such as TiN, TiCN, CrN, TiAlN and so on, for the tap for threading. The surface coatings extend tap life, reduce cutting pressure, aid in chip removal and allow for faster cutting speeds.
- Consider investing in new tap holders. Tap holders built today are of much better quality than those of just a few years back. If you do not want to invest in new holders then at the very least do preventative maintenance on the holders, lubricate them and make sure the tension/compression features work smoothly. Many older holders become bound up from coolant residue and many just wear out.
In all threading applications, performance can be improved by adding coolant through the tap. This feature, especially with high pressure (700 psi), adds a new dimension making internal screw threads. Taps can now be run much faster without the fear of generating too much heat. Tapping in the horizontal plain is even more important as coolant from external flows has a hard time reaching the cutting area of a tap in the bottom of a hole.
Here are examples of the kinds of data that are out there. At any given moment, your machine tool is either cutting or it’s not. The machine is in service or it’s not. And if the machine is cutting, then a particular tool is loaded in the spindle, and the spindle is experiencing a particular load.
All of this information has always existed, but in the past it was difficult to gather. The information was available only through observation, only by someone standing at the control. But now, CNC networking capability makes it possible to gather information remotely, transfer information with ease, and analyze information from throughout the plant on a single screen. Because it can simplify so much of the work of empowering and overseeing the manufacturing process, a shopfloor network might prove to be the most powerful productivity tool in the plant.
In fact, for the manufacturer that uses information well, the very nature of overall equipment effectiveness (see Overall Equipment Effectiveness: The Formula For Finding Your Plant’s Hidden Potential) might undergo a fundamental change. Moving, monitoring and managing the shop’s data can help to improve all three OEE components—availability, performance and quality. After that, the network makes it possible to track these components, continuously recalculating them from the most recent data. With this current information, OEE is no longer a static statistic, but instead it becomes a precise, real-time measure of the plant’s performance—a measure that everyone in the plant can keep an eye on. And when this value is less than it should be, the plant’s automatic data gathering can make it easy to see where the problem’s root cause can be found.
What follows are some examples of information-related improvements.
Availability: Information Coming And Going
If a manufacturer’s availability is low, then by definition, breakdown and setup losses are the problems that need to be addressed. Information coming from the machine can address the first sort of problem, while information sent to the machine addresses the second.
In the event of a breakdown, the first important piece of information is the existence of the problem. If this information has to travel by word of mouth, then response time will be slow. A better solution is to enable the CNC network to send a pager alarm that alerts a member of the maintenance staff at once. The technician can then use the same network to ensure that the response to that problem is efficient. Through remote access to the machine’s operation and maintenance screens, the technician can diagnose the problem at a distance, and arrive at the problem with potential solutions in hand.
To reduce setup losses, a high speed network connection can ensure that part programs and tool, work and fixture offsets all arrive at the machine as they are needed. The operator doesn’t have to enter any of this information by hand, and may not even have to call it up by hand, either. A part program delivered in this way is the most up-to-date version in the plant. Tool data delivered in this way can include the history of a particular tool’s cutting life so far, even if the tool has moved from machine to machine throughout the shop.
Performance: Seeing Where The Cycle Is Slow
Improving performance is where the data generated at the CNC become the most useful. From moment to moment, every machine has a particular status that the CNC is able to report. The machine is cutting, the machine is idle, the machine is cutting at a reduced rate because of feedrate override and so forth. By sampling the data continuously, and by analyzing the data within software that is designed to provide a graphical, big-picture view of the information, a plant’s engineers and managers can immediately see problem areas that otherwise might never have been apparent.
For example, perhaps one machine tool routinely runs the same part number more slowly than other machines just like it. Why is that? Or the operator may routinely have to resort to feedrate override during a particular portion of a feedrate override during a particular portion of a given program. What is wrong with the program in that area? Or, the time between pieces for a given part number may seem to vary widely. What is it about loading that particular part that is causing different operators to encounter different levels of difficulty?
Graphic displays of the day-by-day performance data not only reveal problems such as these, but they also reveal the relative magnitudes of all of the competing trouble areas. Engineering personnel can see exactly where they should focus their attention, by seeing where the greatest amounts of potential production capacity are going underused.
Quality: What Went Wrong And Why
That performance data collected from the CNCs can also be coupled to quality data, revealing an even bigger view of how well the plant is doing.
The most basic quality information is the number of good parts as a percentage of the total parts produced. Because this percentage is the definition of the quality score in OEE, tracking just this much information makes it possible to keep the OEE value up to date.
However, if a little more information can also be collected—such as which machines produced which parts, along with a description of every rejected part using basic numerical codes for common errors—then this information can start to be applied toward increasing the quality yield. The information gets incorporated into the same graphical view as the performance data, allowing the most common and serious quality problems to be visually identified.
Many plants already do something like this. Quality is one area where manufacturers tend to be accustomed to tracking and analyzing data—as in statistical process control. And SPC can continue to be one of the ways that quality data are used. OEE and automated information management simply take the same appreciation for the value of information that already exists in the quality area, and they extend this appreciation to the data being generated throughout production.
How Do I Do This?
To take control of shopfloor information, a manufacturer does not need to have the most modern CNCs. Nor does the manufacturer need to have CNCs that all come from the same company. Technology from a solutions-provider such as GE Fanuc can make it possible to upgrade many, many different CNCs (old and new, from various companies) so that they can all share a common network. That same solutions-provider can also supply the software capable of capturing, organizing and graphically presenting the data.
Perhaps the most striking thing about implementing a system such as this is how little the implementation costs compared to the potential return. Instead of purchasing new capacity or new machinery, the plant realizes a potentially larger amount of capacity that formerly was going to waste.
OEE makes the return apparent. Because this number describes how much of the manufacturer’s potential capacity is generating profit, an increase in OEE indicates how much additional profit is coming in. Just multiply your sales × your gross margin × the increase in OEE percentage that you were able to achieve. The result is the additional profit.
Time is money. Information automation not only saves time, but also reveals where the time is being wasted. Using the calculation above, a manufacturer can see just how valuable it is to recapture some of this resource.
Penco Precision (Fontana, California), founded in 1975, is a medium-sized CNC precision engineering job shop with 17 CNC machines installed. The company specializes in tight tolerance batch work for clients in the aerospace, instrumentation, medical and computer peripheral supply sectors. Batch quantities go from a few to several hundred, with a lot falling between five and 25 parts. Tolerances are held as tight as 0.0002 inch on turned diameters up to 0.75 inch and positional tolerances to 0.001 inch. Occasionally, a true position (TP) feature is required when milling, which then demands precise and careful handling.
Since Penco acquired its first CNC machine in 1984, the plant has grown to eight CNC lathes and nine machining centers. Turning capacity up to 6 inches diameter by 15 inches length and machining center capacity up to 24 inches by 36 inches by 18 inches is now available. Machines include a CNC sliding head lathe specifically for slender shaft work and one lathe with C-axis capability. Other facilities include a 3D coordinate-measuring machine and a computerized job scheduling system, while the in-house quality systems are ISO 9002 compliant.
Penco used to develop part programs using fairly basic methods, according to Glynn Pennington, president. "The only off-line facility that we had was a simple computer-based text editor," he says. "The pressure to upgrade came from two directions. First, we were being asked to machine more complicated radius and blend features; second, as the number of machines increased so did the programming workload, which was increased due to the trend for short batch demand."
http://cnc-info.blogspot.com/According to top stone designers from the USA, designs can be planned by computer And transferred to the machine to fabricate, Enabling the multiple finished products to be An exact duplicate of the original design. Thing can be done with human hands they can not do the same cutting several times like machine in a quick span of time with utmost precision. In the USA, Orlanofl, has employed computerized Fabrication technology ever since it began Production in January 1996 using the flow Jet system . According to Jonathan Smiga, a Leading stone designer in the USA, Intrasia Is a new method used to cut natural stone In complex pattern without any cracks.
Cost Control
Computer technology enable stone designers to repeat designs with precise specification. Use of such a technology can ultimately lower the cost for customers. Speed, together with ability for mass production are the two main benefits of computerised machinery which also reduces cost. For example, due to the CNC technology, the Burlington Stone Industry has the ability for mass production of vanities, kitchen counter tops, intricate tops and circular works such as flowing skirting, table tops, counter tops and legs. The use of such a technology can also cut down on labour force thus reducing the production cost.
Stone Products
With the application of computerized technology, various designs can be accomplished. The Pellegrini Wire Saw is used for profiling as well as removing large amount of materials with a single profile cut, while the Omag is used for its milling capacity and accuracy for repeated laser digitised objects. In addition to CAD, CAM and CNC systems, Scan Technologies of Denmark has developed a system for three dimensional work which has just been introduced in the USA. Jhinson Atelier is one of the main users who nicknamed it as CAROSO (Computer aided restoration of stone objects). According to Claus Nealson of Scan Technologies, this system allows the user to scan a picture into the computer. The resulting computer file is a three dimensional model that mirrors the geometry of the object. This system is used to measure and memorise models so that the used can manipulate design and execute it in stone. CAROSO, the three dimensional system is mainly used by companies that are making sculptures, signs, funeral art such as head stones and other artistic designs .A portable version of this machine has been put to use at the Cathedral of Milan, Italy. According to Nealsen, a stone designer this portable scanner does scanning and enables the user to work with stones at a particular place. Designs can then be down-loaded on to computerized stone working equipment so that the pieces tan be replicated and replaced.
Adding the CAD component to the CNC machine makes it more difficult to operate.The CAD and CNC staff must work together to operate the machine. On the other hand, CAROSO system is easier to learn than the CAD or CAM systems. Virtually, all the fabricators who have invested in computerised technology have acknowledged a learning curve. Sometimes, these machines run slowly while experimenting and documenting with different types of stones. The granites are not similar. Black, green and red are the most difficult stones to cut and polish. CAD, CAM; CNC and other computer systems are constantly advancing and this development is very important to the stone industry. Companies in stone industry which are lagging behind in adopting computer technology should immediately adopt the same in order to meet the challenges of ever growing and changing demand for stones worldwide.
Waterjet Cutting System
Waterjet cutting is one of the sophisticated system developed Germany, USA and other countries to cut granite rocks to any shape with high precision, both in the quarries as well as in the processing units. This system can produce any type or pattern of processed granite products. The system can be utilized for granite material which is otherwise considered as waste material in India. India has vast resources of such granite material for producing value added products. Waterjet cutting technology, when utilized for making monuments, markers and memorials,work load and wastage are considerably reduced. In fact, we can make all such products with high precision and less wastage of material. This technology is undoubtedly and indisputably the most suited for granite industry. By adopting this system, the industry can take up all kinds of installations, fabrication and construction work throughout the world, especially in the USA. Besides construction work, this method can be adopted to cut different shapes and sizes of granite material for manufacturing lanterns, vases, curios, wall clocks' and other precision oriented engineering products. By adopting this method, waste material can be converted into value added products.
Later, the entire methods and models can be computerized to have quick access, catering to the need and taste of buyers throughout the world. India can hold a very important position in the world market in processing granite products due to its unique colors, textures, patterns and vast resources of different varieties of granites. Eventually, it is up to the Indian government, quarry owners and processing industries to adopt computer technology and the Water Jet Cutting System and reap its benefits. In the future, these two will prove versatile and economical in cutting and processing the most beautiful Indian granites for the global market.
One possible solution was to hire a shop supervisor to manage the scheduling of jobs, machines and employees. However, Mr. Farkas realized that the investment would not be cost effective at the time. It was suggested that shop management software might help his situation, so he started to explore what was available. He looked into several different software packages, but he noticed that many of them were either too expensive or too complicated for a small machine shop.
After considerable exploration, he decided to try Realtrac (Irvine, California). "It appeared to be cut and dry, yet it provided the essential shopfloor control capabilities I was looking for," Mr. Farkas explains. "Moreover, the initial investment required was reasonable."
He soon found out that although using shop software required learning many new concepts, it was clear that the unproductive time of shop employees was diminishing. By the end of the third week, Mr. Farkas realized that the software was more powerful than he anticipated, and that it had the potential to help provide the control of shop operations that the company so badly needed. He soon was able to extract himself from the daily production picture so that jobs could run smoothly without his help.
Since implementing the software, productivity and efficiency at the company have increased substantially. For example, it used to take Mr. Farkas 2 to 4 hours to prepare an estimate. Using Realtrac, the average time to prepare an estimate is about 30 minutes. Once a job is accepted, an estimate can be turned into a job with a router/process plan in less than a minute. As an alternative, a router for a previous job can be duplicated in seconds.
Also, communications with shop employees have improved. Without being told, a machine operator can quickly see what has to be done next. The operator is also able to determine similarities in machine setups and suggest alternative schedules in order to minimize downtime. As a result, employees are becoming more involved in the day-to-day operations, and they feel they are contributing to the success of the company.
The software's employee time summary reports have also helped the company identify critical areas for improvements in a straightforward manner.
After implementing the software, the company's volume of business started to increase, and employees began to believe in the system as they saw the potential for an increase in their personal earnings. Mr. Farkas says that before implementing Realtrac, he was trying to solve problems after they occurred. Now he can anticipate problems and be a proactive manager.
Mr. Farkas believes that in today's manufacturing environment, the small machine shop can survive only by striving to be a "lean and mean manufacturer. "The Realtrac shop management system, along with good organization and management of employees, has helped A&F to achieve this goal.
The software reduces scrap loss and rework and optimises NC program feed rates to reduce cycle times, increase cutter life and produce higher quality surface finishes.
Post processed G-code programs provide a virtual machining environment.
CNC machine tools simulated include those from Mazak, Makino, Matsuura, Hermle, DMG, Dixi, Mori Seiki and Chiron.
Vericut runs standalone but can be integrated with CAM systems such as Catia v5, Unigraphics, PTC, Mastercam and Edgecam.
Version 6.0 can synchronise an unlimited number of machine channels or machines with multiple synchronised CNC controls.
Its virtual machine is organised into multiple subsystems that are all synchronised to run together seamlessly.
Users can process multiple setups using the project tree.
Each setup has its own CNC machine, fixtures, tools, NC programs and simulation settings.
The cut stock can move from setup to setup, with automatic orientation.
Once a user selects the CNC machine configuration, the stock, fixture and design component information is attached to the machine ready to simulate the entire set of machining operations.
The Optipath NC program optimisation module has been made easier to implement with a redesigned tool manager; tooling data is now stored inside the tool manager.
This simplifies the implementation and lets multiple tools reference one Optipath record.
The new-tool assembly wizard lets the user create a new milling tool in one panel by answering a few questions.
The model export option has been enhanced in version 6.0 to allow export of native Catia v5, Acis Sat and Step models.
Model export creates CAD models from the Vericut in-process cut model generated by simulating an NC program.
In version 6.0, Model Export outputs features where possible and synthetic features when individual features are not possible or desirable, such as scalloped created by a ball end mill.
Using the simulated in-process feature geometry to create a CNC program containing probe motion makes on-machine in-process inspection practical.
It allows the creation of inspection sequence reports in HTML or PDF format for use by machine operators or quality control staff.
Fortunately aftermarket cnc programs are available, and these products allow users to customize their machine tools to suit their specifications.
Special software allows users to input their own programs in one platform, rather than having to use several programs to produce a single pattern. With cnc programming software, users can write their code in one place, and will most often be able to produce patterns without having to write programs in another format.cnc software center The advantage of this flexibilitylies in time savings, as well as avoiding the possibility of data loss or incompatibility issues as you transfer data from one program to another.
One of the most exciting aftermarket products for CNC routers is 3D software. With 3D cnc software, the user would be allowed to produce precisely carved 3D patterns, which can be especially useful for signs or other wall hangings. One great feature of 3D cnc software is the ability to import images from other sources. Most software accepts .gif and .jpg images, and it is amazing how well these images are reproduced in startling 3D. With a tool like 3D cnc software in your workshop you can produce beautiful and intricate carvings and engravings, which can then be painted with realistic colours to make them come alive.
If your machine came with a good suite of software you may be unwilling to pay for aftermarket software. There are many free cnc software programs on the Internet, and these can help you try new programs without having to make a major purchase. Some of these free cnc software programs are demonstration versions, while others are fully featured programs with little or no limitations.
The CNC Teknix DeskCNC Controller handles all linear and circular interpolation and times the output pulses with a resolution of 800 nanoseconds directly from Windows. It accepts a 24 bit (+- 8 million steps) absolute position and determines the ramp up, slew, and ramp down velocities based on a linear acceleration ramp profile.
Continuous Motion Contouring is available for smooth cutting. It outputs standard +5v logic high and 0v logic low step/direction/output signals. The controller can be commanded to turn on four auxiliary relays (not included) if desired. It accepts Home switches, a limit switch, a Digitizing Probe, and an Emergency Stop switch. It is capable of providing a step pulse rate between 40 - 40,000 Steps per Second.
TekSoft and Lantek have signed a software licensing and distribution agreement. Under the terms of this agreement, Lantek grants TekSoft distribution rights for Lantek sheet metal software through TekSoft's international VAR network. The software for punching, laser, waterjet, plasma and oxyfuel machines will be marketed under the FABWorks name.
TekSoft, a leading provider of CAD/CAM applications since 1981, develops and markets CAMWorks, which is available for machining centers, turning, mill/turn, multiaxis and wire EDM applications.
CAMWorks is a SolidWorks Certified Gold CAM Product that provides state-of-the-art machining capabilities seamlessly integrated into SolidWorks 3D mechanical design software.FABWorks also provides an integrated interface between the SolidWorks design environment and the FABWorks machining environment.
Parts that are designed in SolidWorks can be automatically unfolded and transferred directly to FABWorks for machining.The benefits of this agreement were clear to both companies and negotiations were concluded quickly.
He has continued to offer MDSI's innovative software motion technology and OpenCNC software CNC to manufacturing companies worldwide. Fall engineered MDSI's move to globalization with the company's acquisition by Tecumseh Products Company in April, 2002.
Manufacturing Engineering: What is open CNC software?
Fall: It's an unbundled software computer numerical control (CNC) that is independent of any hardware and includes all of the following in software as an integral part of the control: HMI, interpolation, servo algorithms, RS-274D parser, PID and PID tuning tools, soft PLC, a defined and well-structured API, and a data server that can push data across a network. It runs on standard office-grade or industrial PCs.
ME: Why should a company use open CNC software?
Fall: The great advantage of an unbundled all-software CNC is that it gets you on a different technology curve, a software technology curve. What this means is that you can continuously improve the productivity of your machines by installing new versions of the software-a matter of simply loading a new CD-without being forced to do complete and expensive control retrofits and hardware-- swapping that is the hallmark of traditional proprietary CNCs. Another reason for moving to an unbundled software CNC is to reduce the life-cycle costs of machine tools. With a renewable software control, users avoid the steep increases in costs that occur in traditional hardware systems when hardware becomes obsolete, or when improvements can only be made by throwing out the old and starting over. An unbundled software CNC can change and grow along with your manufacturing assets and processes. Also, the performance of off-theshelf PCs continues to improve while the price drops, and unbundled software CNCs allow you to take advantage of this-once again, without incurring significant hardware costs. Finally, an unbundled software CNC benefits the user because it provides realtime data that manufacturers can use to continuously monitor and improve their processes.
ME: Can one program fit every type of machine tool?
Fall: The dream of every manufacturer is to have a common control across a broad range of machine tools. An unbundled all-software CNC can provide this capability. We designed reconfigurability into the OpenCNC product from the beginning. This capacity to reconfigure the existing control across a broad range of machine tools, axes, and job streams was recognized by the US Patent Office awarding MDSI a patent. When one program can fit every type of machine tool, manufacturers can move operators freely from one machine to another and training costs are decreased.
ME: Does it completely eliminate the control software that came with the machine tool's controller?
Fall: Yes it does. The machine tool becomes a device on a network, just like a printer is now in your office network. Device drivers pertinent to each machine tool come with the software, not with the hardware on the machine.
ME: What kind of computer equipment is needed?
Fall: Unbundled software CNCs run on standard PCs and use standard communications cards to talk to the servos and I/O.
ME: How difficult is it to run these types of programs?
Fall: With the advent of graphical user interfaces, unbundled software CNCs are more intuitive and easier to learn than traditional hardware-based CNCs and user interfaces. Furthermore, upgrades to the unbundled software CNC don't require retraining in the dramatic way control retrofits of hardware controls do.
Historically, with proprietary hardware CNCs, multiple generations of different kinds of hardware controls across multiple kinds of machine tools have maximized costs, isolated each element, and hamstrung an enterprise's ability to change and adapt to new technology. Unbundled software CNCs that include HMI, interpolation, servo algorithms, RS-274D parser, PID and PID tuning tools, soft PLC, a defined and wellstructured API, and a data server that can push data across a network offer the first true way out of the Balkanization of the traditional factory.
Melbourne - ANCA has recently released version 27 for their X Class range of CNC Tools and Cutter Grinders. This version is packed with new innovative features that make the performance of an ANCA machine more efficient, provide significantly extended flexibility and enhance the possible spectrum of applications.
The two main new features with version 27 are the addition of Key Hole Punch software and Delta-C R850 Drill Point. This increases the applications on version 27 to more industries. The Keyhole Punch software allows creation of punch geometries from a library of shapes and also allows creation of customised contours. Unlike standard punch grinders this solution is able to create punches with concave and convex shapes. Once the shape is designed the software will specify the wheel shape required to grind the punch. This wheel shape can then be loaded into the ANCA Wheel Editor. The Delta-C R850 drill point has been implemented in iGrind and is available in the drill wizard. This is a proprietary drill shape. Version 27 enables sharpening of this drill shape under license.
Version 27 has a wide range of applications, which enable users from many different industries to utilise its broad and flexible functionalities. Some of the more common applications which have been improved are:
Profile Pivot Editor function is a new feature of profile software. This option changes the way in which nine o'clock grinding positions the wheel. If full control is selected then the pivot angle can be specified at the start and end of each profile element. An option has been added in profile grinding that allows the feedrate to be optimised to maintain a constat passage of the grinding point across the profile.
The wizard has been added to the Step editor operation that will allow a single DXF file to be split into multiple step sections. A new menu has been added to the Step Editor operation that allows geometry to be displayed and selected in iView.
About ANCA
ANCA was founded in 1974 to design and manufacture high technology Computer Numerical Controls (CNCs) for the machine tool and metal-based industries. Today, ANCA has become a leading designer and manufacturer of complete, precision CNC tool and cutter grinding machines in a global niche market. With its core values of precision, innovation, quality and technological excellence, ANCA is today an international organisation of more than 300 employees with a robust set of technological and entrepreneurial skills. Offices are located in major cities in Europe, North America and Asia; with dealerships represented in over 25 countries. ANCA continues to understand market demands and produce products and services to benefit its customers.
At around GBP 250,000 per unit, new machine centres would come with a specified accuracy only marginally better than those currently in use.It is apparent that, even with the rapid development of recent years, surprisingly little has been done by the makers to combat the most basic threats to component accuracy inherent in every machine tool. These are geometric alignment errors and thermal distortion of the machine structure.
However, upgrade they must, so Micrometalsmiths embarked upon a collaborative project with the Centre for Precision Technologies at the University of Huddersfield, UK.
With the aim of increasing output of good components in the most cost-effective way a team of experts were given the task of enhancing the company's existing machine tools to a higher standard than ever before, even exceeding their specification when new.This ambitious plan was made possible by Volumetric Compensation Software (VCS), a ground-breaking new technology designed to correct errors in the path of the cutting tools before they occur and thereby improve the overall accuracy of the machined product.
First the performance criteria of the selected machines was measured and catalogued in minute detail. There then followed a complete mechanical and electrical refurbishment including an upgrade to the Osai series10, a controller capable of running VCS without the need for additional hardware.
There then took place a second examination by the metrology experts of the CPT, this time to determine the calibration data that was to be stored for use by VCS.Finally, the fully corrected machines were subjected to a series of exhaustive trials with remarkable results.
Volumetric error was typically reduced from 78 to 16 microns, an improved accuracy of 80%.Consequently cycle times fell by 15% and the proportion of scrap components by 30% In subsequent production trials it was found that the machines can be run faster and for longer periods of time without losing accuracy.
All-night unattended runs are now a reality and measurement cycles are executed at 3 times the speed previously possible.
Senior applications engineer Allan Kennedy said: 'I have seen the most skilled engineers spend weeks trying to achieve this level of precision and then the machine might literally change with the weather! Not so with VCS adjusting automatically in response to temperatures measured at critical points'.
'This is certainly the way forward for machine tool makers to meet the ever rising standards demanded by hi-tech industry.'
Upon completion, the standard will replace the conventional scheme based on ISO 6983, so-called M&G codes. Further, the new interface scheme will impact the CAD-CAM-CNC process chain and the advancement of the CNC controller. This paper develops an integrated STEP-compliant CNC system (or STEP-CNC) based on the new interface scheme. The system is composed of five modules: (1) Shop Floor Programming System (PosSFP), (2) Tool Path Generator (PosTPG), (3) Tool Path Viewer (PosTPV), (4) Man Machine Interface (PosMMI), and (5) CNC Kernel (PosCNC). The developed system is a prototype but very comprehensive, including all the modules required for realizing "art-to-part" through the new CADCAM-CNC chain. Architecture and functional details are presented together with a realistic demonstration.
As the brain for industrial machinery, computer numerical control (CNC) is the core element in modern manufacturing systems. In spite of a great deal of technological achievement, contemporary CNC still needs further enhancement to overcome the existing drawbacks; that is, (1) it is basically an executing mechanism without intelligence, (2) it is based on low-level language [ISO 6983 (ISO 1982), so-called M&G codes], and (3) its architecture is vendor specific and black-box-styled proprietary without allowing user access.
Therefore, the next-generation CNC is required: (1) to use high-level language for seamless integration in the CAD-CAM-CNC chain, (2) to be multifunctional, intelligent, and autonomous, and (3) to have an open architecture based on modular/software implementation technology. These requirements should be accounted for in developing the next-generation CNC, for which researches are being undertaken in various aspects. In particular, a new interface scheme between CAM and CNC, often called STEP-NC, is under active progress by ISO TC 184 SCI and SC4 (ISO 2000).
The new scheme is based on the internationally standardized product model (STEP: STandard for the Exchange of Product model data), formalized as ISO 10303, as well as the process plan information. As described in the next section, ISO 14649 specifies information contents and semantics (ICS) for various CNC manufacturing processes. It is currently available in FDIS (Final Draft International Standard) version, with its final version to be completed in the near future. Upon completion, it will become a new CNC language replacing ISO 6983. The impact of the new interface scheme can be visualized in many ways. As the new data model will be an information highway for e-manufacturing, encompassing CAD, CAM, and CNC, the `art-to-part' dream (Albert 2000) can be realized, thereby producing 3-D models in physical parts by CNC, like producing a hard copy from the printer. Significant gains are expected in the process chain of CAD, CAM, and CNC, as will be discussed in the next section. Furthermore, complete elimination of postprocessing is possible (Albert 2000). Soon, the new interface scheme will be used as a means for implementing the Internet's B2B activities, e-design, and e-manufacturing (Hardwick 2001a, Leyrich 2001, Albert 2001, Maniscalo 2001, Teresko 2001, Hardwick and Loffredo 2001, American Machinist 2000, Hardwick 2000).
From the perspective of CNC, the new data model is very significant, providing CNC with all the information about `what-to-make' (geometry) and `how-tomake' (process plan) with its machine tools. In other words, depending on how the new data model is implemented, CNC would be able to incorporate various intelligent functions, which is not feasible in the conventional control based on ISO 6983. Thus, as the new language is under establishment, increasing attention has been paid to the development of new CNC based on the new interface between CAM and CNC. Major developments include Super Model in the United States and NC Prototype in Europe.
The U.S. Super Model, whose prototype was presented at the 2001 SC4 meeting held in San Francisco (Hardwick 2001b), places emphasis on the development of an `intelligent interface' between the ISO 14649 database and CNC via XML and is implemented on the commercial systems of FB Mach and Virtual Gibbs. The demonstration was actually done with a Bridgeport CNC via G-code conversion. The European prototype, NC Prototype, presented at the 2000 SC4 meeting held in Charleston, South Carolina (Glantschnig 2000), focuses on CNC execution based on the part program written in the ISO 14649 physical file. The STEP-NC was implemented on a Siemens 840D NC Kernel interfaced with the commercial systems of Open Mind and CATIA. Interface between ISO 14649 and CNC was made via Interpreter built in CNC.
'About 80% of our products are made using ArtCAM'.
'Without the software, the company would never have been able to grow at the pace that it has'.
Great Lakes Golf Course Products started out just over a decade ago, manufacturing recycled plastic rope stakes, hazard markers and fairway signs for local courses.
Since then, it has grown into a multi-million-dollar enterprise providing the most prestigious golf courses around the world with highly stylised, custom-tailored furnishings and amenities.
For its first six years, Great Lakes outsourced much of its custom sign work to a local sign maker and other manufacturers.
This was expensive and did not allow the company to control quality, design or scheduling.
The management realised that they could save a great deal of money and gain more control over their process by buying a CNC router and software.
After investigating a number of options, Great Lakes decided to buy an Anderson router, ArtCAM Pro and ArtCAM Insignia.
Although the company's initial needs were met by the 2D and 2.5D capabilities of Insignia, an expansion into 3D, combined with a forecast for high demand, lead Great Lakes to conclude that investment in both versions was warranted.
In the first year, the company saved US $250,000 on work that was previously outsourced.
It has subsequently bought a second router.
'Mostly, we do 2D signs and products, such as tee markers and information signs for each hole', explained Keepers.
'We also offer about 45 standard sign products which are already set up to run in ArtCAM Insignia'.
'Recently, we have been exploring the 3D side of the software more, and looking at offering more sculpted products', he added.
'We are just beginning to scratch the surface of what we can offer our customers and I am excited about this end of the business'.
'Since most of our business is custom designed, the ease of use of ArtCAM Pro and its ability to go from customer logos and artwork is a real help'.
'I really like the tracing ability, plus the ability to load the customer's artwork and fit clean vectors around it so that I can create toolpaths'.
'I also like the drawing tools in ArtCAM and find I am able to do my entire design layout in the software', he said.
'By doing the layout and design in-house, we can get instant feedback from the customer, then make any changes needed and move onto the next version'.
Source: news.thomasnet.com
Software integrates parametric modeling with Nastran FEA.
Aimed at engineers in product design, development, optimization, testing, and quality, NEiFusion virtually tests parts in design phase for wide range of static and dynamic structural and thermal conditions in CAD environment amenable to exploring design alternatives. Nastran foundation ensures wide file sharing capabilities and direct migration path to higher end analysis if needed. Program also includes features for results evaluation, presentation, and reporting.
Source: news.thomasnet.com
Software is intended for billing and subscriber management.
Integrating with web hosting control panels, Platypus v6.0 features two-way communication abilities for storing information in user records. Software allows web hosts to tie multiple services to one rate or product, without custom configuration. Supporting VB scripting, software aids development of logic-driven provisioning rules without external coding.
Not surprisingly the laser cutting of the item was not a simple engineering project.
Martin Sharp, Lairdside Laser Engineering Centre's Manager explains: 'The whole project required considerable effort from Alastair, a leading CADCAM software company and ourselves'.
'It's often the case that when an artist attempts to introduce a high-tech engineering process into his work, what often appears as a relatively simple process becomes problematic as the bounds of the technology are pushed'.
The concept was straightforward - take a 3D scan of the helmet, superimpose the fretwork pattern and then cut it.
However the steps leading to the programming of the 3D laser cutting machine are not so straightforward.
A scan of the helmet was simple to procure.
However the overlay of the pattern was by no means simple as Mackie recalls: 'It took several weeks to find someone who could do this and produce an electronic model of the sculpture'.
'Then I was able to look at my piece in 3D - but only on a computer screen'.
When Lairdside Laser Engineering Centre received the imaging file it was also able to look at its image.
But it was unable to generate the necessary CNC programming code to control the laser cutting machine.
Camtek, supplier of the PEPS CADCAM software stepped in to help.
Camtek worked on the actual computer model of the sculpture to ensure that the computer data were able to be processed by PEPS.
Terry Antrobus, Director of sales at Camtek UK comments: 'The designer used 3D Studio Max to generate the initial images of the piece'.
'DXF was the CAD format that could be provided from it'.
'The DXF data, however, yielded in excess of 20,000 3D lines, which did not have a sense of 3D orientation and were of little use for generating a five-axis laser toolpath'.
'What we were really after was a surface model of the component, but were told that this could not be provided from the imaging package'.
'Working with Lairdside, an IGES file was provided which generated nearly 7000 'wire bodies' forming a 3D facetted mesh representation of the helmet'.
'Being presented with this kind of data - thousands of unrelated 3D facets, with no sense of connectivity - can be a nightmare for or part-programmer needing to get a job out the door, or for any CADCAM salesman trying to sell his wares for that matter'.
'But generating usable data proved to be so very easy with SolidCut Laser - we were able to create usable data very quickly and automatically by generating 3D solid entities from the triangulated facets and to join them together to create a single contiguous solid model suitable for machining'.
'Applying the toolpath was equally easy'.
'Our Autocut function generated a complex five-axis laserpath including lead-in and lead-outs for all of the trims - nearly 750 individual cuts - within seconds'.
Once this was done, the PEPS SolidCut system supplied by Camtek to the Lairdside Laser Engineering Centre readily produced the optimised NC code required to drive the machine.
'The cutting of the helmet was then relatively straightforward', says Martin Sharp.
'We used the automatic 3D fixture design function integrated within PEPS SolidCut Laser to generate a nest of interlocking plates to support the helmet during cutting'.
'SolidCut Laser even nested and profiled these 2D plates for us'.
The piece was completed with only hours before Mackie flew to Los Angeles for the exhibition.
'I was overjoyed when the helmet arrived by courier the afternoon before my flight'.
'To hold in my hands what I'd only seen on a computer screen was thrilling'.
The sculpture was well received by its Los Angeles audience.
Six copies are going to be manufactured as limited editions.
'All the hard work has been done', says Sharp.
'Hopefully cutting the six helmets will be quite simple and routine'.
Complicated procedures and processes, like manufacturing rework loops or off-line processes, are simple to implement with Router to ensure that products run through each procedure or step in a process. No matter what route a product takes, Router can ensure that the product arrives at its final destination and each interim destination along the way. Using mobile electronic inspection data in real time, the Router can identify problems early-on, saving valuable time and eliminate unnecessary re-work expenditures. The entire processing history of each product is retained in a database for subsequent analysis and product/process enhancements. Using the Router users can pre-map decision processes and know that they will be followed.
For over 10 years, the Inspect-Write systems have been deployed for paperless, mobile inspection and data collection, using powerful and flexible tools to integrate inspection data with existing databases. Wireless client software, developed with and currently used by key customers, is now available for Windows, Windows CE, Pocket PC, PC Tablets and Touch Screens.
PenFact is a recognized leader in the Data Collection and Inspection Management computing field and has specialized in pen and mobile computing for industry, manufacturing and field inspections since 1992. PenFact solutions simplify the data collection process by turning mobile pen-based computer in electronic clipboards, replacing traditional, paper-based manual inspection systems with an improved, state-of-the-art inspection and data collection system. The easy-to-use, flexible and fault-tolerant inspection and data collection process is further enhanced by a very powerful set of analysis tools enabling users to review the collected data and provide historical data review, trend graphs, SPC charts and other critical information.
Consider evaluating the software first and then selecting equipment based on whether or not it is compatible with the software. Of course, the equipment must be suitable to the application. This drives everything. However, considering software first will help focus on the big picture—enterprise goals of inspection and how they can be realized more intelligently, with the highest quality results, the least effort and the lowest costs.
The idea of making measurement processes more software-centric is a core tenet of computer-aided inspection (CAI). This decade-old concept was advanced primarily within the R&D and high-tech manufacturing communities primarily because it required expensive custom measurement and analysis software to tie inspection results back to the computer-aided design (CAD) system.
Today that is changing as software developers introduce a range of off-the-shelf metrology packages with enormous amounts of built-in intelligence. These are capable of both maximizing the performance and operation of specific devices and providing a bi-directional conduit for metrology information between and amongst diverse measurement devices and CAD databases. The result is an enterprise metrology system capable of realizing the goals of inspection at speeds and efficiencies well beyond anything currently available.
Think of this new breed of measuring device software as an intelligent inspection system. As such, it is an extension of the original CAI model in that it eliminates many of the fundamental process inefficiencies associated with the traditional inspection process. Call the extended model CAIIS (pronounced case) for Computer Aided Intelligent Inspection System. This acronym provides an accurate and helpful description of the versatile inspection software tools that are becoming available from many measurement system manufacturers and third-party software providers.
CAIIS Missions
A range of portable measurement systems, such as the laser tracker and measuring arm, can be programmed and operated using common CAIIS software based on the PC-DMIS CMM engine. Source: Wilcox Associates
When evaluating CAIIS alternatives, it is important to keep in mind the ultimate missions of the inspection processes—transforming raw data collected by the measurement devices into actionable information to:
* Allow customers to buy off on the manufactured goods, so the enterprise can ship them, send an invoice and make a profit.
* Monitor and adjust manufacturing processes to maximize equipment uptime while eliminating scrap and rework.
* Troubleshoot design and manufacturing problems to improve product performance, reduce recalls and warranty issues and get to market faster to gain a competitive advantage.
Note that this way of thinking about inspection intelligence gets immediately into the core issues of the measurement system’s bottom-line impact. It also helps to avoid being overly distracted by technical details, which may be important to the selection process but secondary to accomplishing these objectives better, faster and with less associated cost. Off-the-shelf CAIIS packages do this because they view the goals of inspection from the enterprise solutions level, and, as such, target the bottlenecks in all aspects of the inspection process.
Primacy of CAD
Today, more and more of the work of manufacturing happens in virtual reality. Manufacturers design, model and refine products, parts and assemblies within their CAD systems. Then, using the information embedded in the CAD model, computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems create the tool paths for manufacturing parts with a minimal number of setups and least possible movement of parts among computer numeric control (CNC) equipment. In the virtual world, to the greatest extent possible, data is moved instead of parts, and that drives out substantial labor cost.
CAIIS is a logical extension of the CAD/CAM progression. In all but the most rudimentary measurement systems, CAD models are the basis for programming inspection routines and reporting a wide variety of actionable information. What’s more, some advanced CAIIS software can leverage design intent information that is embedded within the CAD model to generate inspection programs for the part automatically, while optimizing the program for the device that will ultimately inspect it.
Sometimes this CAIIS software resides within the CAD station. More often, it is associated with a particular measurement device or is part of a stand-alone workstation for off-line programming multiple devices. Regardless of where it lives, the CAIIS software can eliminate a substantial amount of programming labor—75% or more.
A New 80/20 Rule
" src="http://www.qualitymag.com/QUAL/Home/Images/qlt0107-FT3Soft-p3-SML.jpg" align="right" border="0"> Inspection Planner Software is CAIIS software that interprets design intent based on GD&T data embedded in the CAD model
CAIIS packages should have the intelligence necessary to automatically create measurement programs for a range of measurement devices and probe technologies and leverage the best characteristics of the device at hand to accomplish its mission.
In general, about 80% of the information required for performing inspections—programming conventions, GDT requirements and the deliverable report outputs—is common for all inspection equipment. This suggests that most of what operators need to know to inspect parts is the same whether they are using a conventional CMM, a vision system, a multisensor system, a portable measuring arm, a CMM with laser, vision or white light sensing, or a CNC machine equipped with a probe.
The 20% that is unique deals with the physical attributes of a particular device and employing best-practice conventions to leverage these attributes. The goal of a CAISS-based system is to employ the built-in intelligence of the system to create efficient programs for any of these device types with minimal operator intervention.
Here is how this 80/20 rule of CAIIS software plays out with some commonly used types of measuring devices.
* Conventional CMMs. Because of the prominence of CMMs in metrology operations, CMM software engines have evolved into the base engines for CAIIS. The best CAIIS software for CMMs works identically across a wide range of models and brands and has evolved to include the tools to realize fundamental CAIIS objectives.
* Portable arms. CAIIS software, when applied to portable arms, allows for the use of the very same programs written for CMMs. Operators can take arms anywhere in the shop or out in the field and use them to measure the parts, assemblies and tooling immediately without the need for creating new programs.
* The 20% difference in this case deals primarily with tools allowing operators to keep both hands on the arm and still interact with the computer at a short distance. Examples include the wrist mouse, magnified screens and audible signals that tell technicians when the probe is approaching the next area of interest.
* Vision systems. The CAIIS software’s programming environment for vision is largely identical to that for a CMM. Operators make measurements of all types by interacting with the CAD model, including using ultra-precision focusing algorithms to capture data from 2-D and 3-D surfaces. They can write and edit programs in any sequence and animate probe paths on-screen for fail-safe verification. Multisensor systems even incorporate traditional CMM tactile probing tools, thus using those parts of the programs requiring tactile measurements.
Here the 20% difference involves tools that allow the operator to select values related to the unique vision requirements of lighting, focus and magnification and provide help to adjust these values when a different vision system is used. The vision implementation of one CAIIS also provides unique tools that did not previously exist, such as the ability to use the vision measurement system for ad hoc measurements or to simulate measuring microscopes and optical comparators.
* On-machine probing. The programming environment for CAIIS software used to create on-machine probing routines for a wide range of CNC machines is essentially identical to the CMM version of CAIIS software. In addition, programmers can use all or parts of existing CMM programs to create on-machine probing routines directly.
In this case, the 20% difference deals with how the software vendor implements the intelligent inspection system for machine tools. The goal here is to minimize the impact on the machine’s “making chips.” Instead of driving the probe directly, programmers use the CAI intelligent software to develop and debug routines off-line. When they are happy with the results, the software translates the program into native machine code that the CNC machine can execute.
During a measurement cycle, the machine tool immediately sends the measurement data back to the CAIIS while it quickly continues on to the next cutting operation. Meanwhile, the CAIIS package performs its analytical, evaluation and reporting tasks on a separate computer. This ensures both that the measurement process has minimal impact on the manufacturing process and that it uses the best metrology tools available.
Because the goal of inspection on a CNC machine is to make fast checks to streamline setup or detect in process errors, the programs tend to be short. This allows a single CAIIS station to manage program generation, data collection and analysis for multiple machines.
Leading metrology software manufacturers understand the importance of CAIIS principles and have embraced them. Because of the inherent importance of this technology, manufacturers can ensure that their CMMs and other measurement devices are able to make the most of this significant development. A checklist of actionable information can help during the decision-making process:
* Integration with CAD. Determine the extent to which the software can leverage CAD to automate device programming. Can it import models cleanly? Can it read embedded design intent? Can it interface directly with the CAD model?
* Software commonality. Evaluate the ability of the primary software engine to interface with and control a variety of measurement devices.
* Specific-device integration. Consider how well the software operates on and improves the performance of the specific device on which it will be used.
* CAIIS orientation. Ask the vendor to describe its plans to evolve its suite of measurement software to comply with the intent of Computer Aided Intelligent Inspection Software.
As with CAD and CAM, CAIIS operates predominantly in the virtual world to achieve critical inspection objectives with a minimal amount of labor input and with greater speed and efficiency than one would have thought possible even a year or two ago. It provides bidirectional communications to realize the big picture objectives of enterprise metrology. As long as it meets device specific applications requirements, a well-implemented computer aided intelligent inspection system is always a better choice.
* CAIIS software can eliminate a substantial amount of programming labor.
* CAIIS packages should have the intelligence necessary to automatically create measurement programs for a range of measurement devices and probe technologies.
* Some advanced CAIIS software can leverage design intent information that is embedded within the CAD model to generate inspection programs for the part automatically while optimizing the program for the device that will ultimately inspect it.
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